Selasa, Februari 19, 2013

Dishonored: Dunwall City Trials v.1.0u2 + DLC (2012/ENG) Full PC game Download

Dishonored events occur Danuolle - huge industrial metropolis in the streets which faced technology and mysticism. The protagonist - the bodyguard of the Empress, accused of murdering her client - by fate into a mysterious assassin, burying face under the mask. From now on it - the shadow of the city streets, tormented by plague, living in fear of the government, unfathomable technology and otherworldly forces. The truth is dark as the water in the canals, ring contraction Danuoll. And life will never be the same.

Dishonored: Dunwall City Trials v.1.0u2 + DLC (2012/ENG) Full PC game Download + Serial Key
Release date: October 12, 2012
Crack , Code Included
Genre: Action / 3D / 1st Person / Stealth
Developer: Arkane Studios
Publisher: Bethesda Softworks
Platform: PC
Sound language: English
Version: 1.0u2
Publication Type: RePack
Tablet: enclosing (Reloaded)
Size: 3.96 GB (added 3% recovery)

• Variation and Innovation
Sneak in the shadows and use the distracting sounds to move quietly to the enemy and attack head-on, but be prepared to get a rebuff. Flexible combat system allows to combine the skills of the hero, the supernatural and various gadgets.
• Action and reaction
World Dishonored sensitively responds to your actions. Be a ghost night and do not be tempted or boldly stand on the path of destruction, rejecting any mercy. Your every decision will affect the future events of the game.
• superpower
Hearthstone, obeys the will of living things and even stop time - use any means to destroy a target. The ability to combine the supernatural abilities and weapons open to you an incredible opportunity, and upgrade system allows you to use all the new deadly combination.
• The city, not like the other
Unique World Dishonored generated fantasy Viktor Antonov - Art Director, Half-Life 2. Consolidated their technical progress and mystical forces, and the atmosphere saturated with intrigue and mystery.

System requirements:
Operating system: Vista, 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo 3 GHz
Memory: 4 GB (Vista / 7)
Video: 512 MB, GeForce GTX 460 / Radeon HD 5850
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Free hard drive space: 9 GB

Letitbit.netClick here to Download this game !

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