Semangat pagi pembaca. Kali ini saya bakal berbagi software yang inshaallah penting buat kita-kita yang mau upgrade ke windows 8 tapi vendor PC notebook kita belum support driver windows 8. Nah itu lah dia, Driverpack solution pro 12.12 R302. Dengan software ini, kawan-kawan yang punya segala macam PC notebook dan ingin upgrade OS ke Windows 8 tapi takut terkendala Driver yang tidak ada di website resmi Notebook anda , inilah solusi yang tepat atas permasalahan anda.
Dengan software lucu ini, semua driver untuk segala PC notebook dapat terinstal hanya dengan beberapa kali 'klik' saja..
Ingin tahu apa itu Driverpack solution? berikut deskripsinya
DriverPack Solution Professional 12.12 R302 - is an updated version of
powerful program that can automatically install the drivers on your
computer. This version includes many new features and optimized for all
platforms (x86-x64), and is also compatible with the new operating
system Windows 8. Thanks to a new database installs a driver on any
computer! The program simplifies the process of reinstalling Windows.
Find and install drivers made in the program in a few clicks. All the
problems of finding and installing drivers, are automated.
It is a versatile manager to install drivers for all versions of
Windows. Unlike the built-in Windows 7 and Windows 8 includes a driver
update this program can be used even without the Internet and find /
install drivers for devices not only popular SELL (as is the case with
Windows Update).
Benefits DriverPack Solution:
Automatic installation of drivers
Install all the drivers on virtually any computer for only about 5 minutes
Saving time
Do not waste time looking for drivers, install drivers in a few clicks
Any driver for any computer
All drivers on a single DVD-ROM!
Simplifies downloading new drivers from the Internet
The ability to update drivers
Update existing driver to more recent versions
Windows XP / Vista / 7/8 (x86-x64)
Compatible with all modern operating systems!
As the 32-bit and 64-bit!
Ease of Use
Simple and intuitive interface
Possibility of individual design
It's open source
The program is used:
• Users of computer home
• System administrators
• Computer Wizard
• computer repair service
• and others who are often faced with installing / reinstalling Windows
The advantages in using the program:
• The interface is friendly and intuitive
• Intelligent drivers sorting technology
• several installation options (for the professional to the novice user)
• multilingualism (does not require linguistic knowledge and effort):
English, Russian, Ukrainian, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish,
Azeri, Dutch, Lithuanian
• Check the availability of new software releases
Functionality DriverPack Solution 12:
• Quick and efficient for drivers
• Installing drivers on virtually any computer, just a few minutes
• Conducting "downgrade" from Windows Vista to Windows XP (even if the
manufacturer has not posted on its website the driver under Windows XP)
• Find and download the missing driver from the Internet, according to set parameters of the driver
• Quickly update an existing set of installed drivers to more recent versions
• Assist in the creation and use of your own database driver
The program is suitable for all models of computers. Including includes drivers for laptops:
Asus, Acer, Sony, Samsung, HP, Lenovo, Toshiba, Fujitsu-Siemens, Dell, eMachines, MSI ETC...
Supports download free drivers for:
Motherboard, Sound card (audio), video card, network card, Wi-Fi,
chipset, controller, Bluetooth (bluetooth), Modem, webcam, card reader,
CPU, input devices, monitor, printer , scanner, USB.
Nah, untuk itu, bagi kawan-kawan yang ingin memiliki Driverpack 12.12 R302 ini, bisa menghubungi saya dengan cara komen di sini. Saya berniat menjual .iso Driverpack ini dengan harga Rp25.000,00 mengingat size nya 5GB-an.
COD Jogja. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
Demikian, semoga software ini bermanfaat dan bisa berguna bagi kita yang sangat ingin upgrade OS ke Windows 8 namun terkendala masalah belum tersedianya Driver di website resmi vendor PC notebook kita.
Semoga artikel ini bermanfaat.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb
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